Linux Control Daemon Installation

Linux Control Daemon Installation

A Linux control daemon installation provides only the portion of Centova Cast required to use the server to host ShoutCast and IceCast streams. You must also have a separate server running the Centova Cast web interface. Please note that each control daemon installation requires it's own license key.

System Requirements

The separation of the control daemon from the web interface is explicitly intended to reduce the amount of system resources required on stream hosting servers. The control daemon is tiny -- it requires only about 4MB of memory on your stream hosting server, and uses negligible CPU resources.

The control daemon can be installed on any RHEL/CentOS 5/6/7 or Debian Stable Linux server.

Installing the Daemon

  1. To begin your control daemon installation, download the Centova Cast installation script and make it executable:

    wget -O
    chmod a+x ./

    Replace LICENSEKEY above with your actual Centova Cast v3 license key from your client area.

  2. Next, decide which streaming server/source software you want Centova Cast to install for you. As of the time of this writing, Centova Cast supports automatic installation of the following:

    • ShoutCast DNAS v2: add --shoutcast2 to the installer commandline
    • ShoutCast DNAS v1: add --shoutcast1 to the installer commandline
    • IceCast: add --icecast to the installer commandline
    • Liquidsoap: add --liquidsoap to the installer commandline
    • ices-cc: add --icescc to the installer commandline
    • sctrans v2: add --sctrans2 to the installer commandline
  3. Make sure you know the IP address and admin password for your Centova Cast web interface.

  4. Run the script as follows, substituting <ip> with the IP address for the Centova Cast web interface, <password> with your Centova Cast admin password, and <options> with any (or all) of the parameters from step 2 above:

    ./ control <ip> <password> <options>

    For example, if the IP address for your Centova Cast web interface is, your password is secret, and you want to install ShoutCast DNAS v2 with sc_trans v2, you might use:

    ./ control secret  --shoutcast2 --sctrans2

    This will install Centova Cast's control daemon, along with any server/source software you requested, and automatically configure your Centova Cast web interface to work with this new server.

  5. If you want to install Centova Cast's FTP server (to allow clients to upload media to this server via FTP), run:

    /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/update --add ftpd

If your server is using a firewall, see the Firewall Configuration section below before proceeding.

At this point, if you log in to your Centova Cast web interface, you should be able to create streams on the new server. You should also see it listed if you click the "Hosts" link on the left.

Firewall Configuration

If your server is protected by a firewall, you may need to modify your firewall configuration to allow access to Centova Cast and its streams.

Generally speaking, Centova Technologies cannot assist in configuring your firewall, but basic instructions for some common firewalls are included in our knowledge base.

Managing the Daemon

The Linux Control Daemon is configured to automatically start at boot, and typically does not require management of any kind. If necessary, however, it can be controlled using the same LSB-compliant init scripts described in Controlling Centova Cast.