Recent Tracks

Recent Tracks

About the Widget

The Recent Tracks widget displays a list of the tracks that were most recently played on your stream, along with the name of the artist, album, and broadcast time associated with each.

If available, the album cover image and a "Buy now" link are also displayed next to each track.

The track list is automatically updated at regular intervals such that it always reflects the most recently played tracks.

This widget can be configured on the Widgets tab of the Configuration Settings page.

Advanced Customization

Configurable Options

Developers familiar with JavaScript may embed in their pages a code block similar to the following to customize the behavior of the widget.

This configuration block must appear before the JavaScript code for the widget.

<script language="javascript">
(function(){ var centovacast = (window.centovacast||(window.centovacast={}));
(centovacast.recenttracks||(centovacast.recenttracks={})).config = {

    poll_limit: 60,        // specify how many times to poll the server
    poll_frequency: 60000, // specify the poll frequency in milliseconds
    track_limit: 0,        // maximum number of tracks to display (0=all)
    show_covers: 1,        // 1 to show covers, 0 to hide
    scale_covers: 1,       // 1 to scale covers to the default size, 0 to allow
                           // the web page to apply width/height via CSS
    buy_target: '_blank'   // target frame for "buy now" links



Developers familiar with cascading stylesheets (CSS) may embed in their pages a stylesheet similar to the following to customize the appearance of the widget:

/* Container element for the recent tracks list */
.cc_recenttracks_list {
/* Container for a single track in the list */
.cc_recenttracks_list > .cctrack {
/* Container for a track's image */
.cc_recenttracks_list > .cctrack > .cccover {
/* The track's image */
.cc_recenttracks_list > .cctrack > .cccover > img {
/* The time at which the track aired */
.cc_recenttracks_list > .cctrack > .cctime {
/* The time at which the current track began playing */
.cc_recenttracks_list > .cctrack > .cctime.ccnowplaying {
/* Container for the track's details */
.cc_recenttracks_list > .cctrack > .ccdetails {
/* The track's title */
.cc_recenttracks_list > .cctrack > .ccdetails > .cctitle {
/* The current track's title */
.cc_recenttracks_list > .cctrack > .ccdetails > .cctitle.ccnowplaying {
/* The track's artist */
.cc_recenttracks_list > .cctrack > .ccdetails > .ccartist {
/* The track's album */
.cc_recenttracks_list > .cctrack > .ccdetails > .ccalbum {
/* The track's buy-now link, if any */
.cc_recenttracks_list > .cctrack > .ccdetails > .ccbuy {

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